Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ok girls O mine. I'm not sure where I got it from but nonetheless, I think it's a pretty good story to pass along. It's a story about the colors of Christmas. If you've heard it already well then good for you but you'll hear it again.
Here goes:

The Christmas tree is always an evergreen. Evergreens never change color so they represent Jesus' love which is unchanging.

The color red used on a Christmas tree represents the blood Jesus shed for your sins and mine.

Blue is the color of Royalty. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Use this color and remember Him.

The color white is a sign of purity. Use this color on your tree to represent the virgin birth of Jesus.

Silver and gold was brought to the baby Jesus as gifts to a King. Hang these from your tree as yet another reminder of what the season is all about.

I love all the colors of Christmas but those classic colors listed above are my favorites because of this short little story about the symbols of a Christmas tree.

As time marches on you'll come to realize more and more how the stories of Christmas' meaning have gone to the wayside. When you put up a Christmas tree each year or take it out of the box, I hope you will tell your children this story as you do. It will start a family tradition that will make a difference in this world I bet. By the way Candi, purple is a color of royalty too so change up if you want! Personally, I like your teal tree! Love you all!