Friday, July 23, 2010

Blessed heavenly Father

You have given me another today and for that I am grateful. May I always see each sunrise as a gift from you to me. I will stumble and I will fall today in my efforts to walk more closely with you but you dear Lord know my heart is pure in effort and love.

For my ability to get up and provide for myself and my youngest I am grateful. For the clothes on my back and the food on my table help me to never forget that it is by your hand that I have all of these. You, merciful father have given me a piece of your earth to tend and grow. Each time I cut a flower from the yard I pray you will then remind me from where all things come. When I see other homes and wish I had better help me to never forget that you have given me all that I need.

You stood, kneeled, and laid down beside me when I was sick and I felt your healing hand. I pray dear Lord that you do the same for those who are suffering either in sorrow, addiction, pain or disease. Let them feel just how powerful you truly are.

Please change the hearts of those who don't know you and show me how I can help you to do this. Keep my eyes open for a chance to lead someone to you even if its in the smallest of ways.

You died for me Jesus & I in return have done nothing for you. Show me how to be a soldier.


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